History has spoken. The future calls.
A dream of God, whispered to us, and now we are those who dream.
In 1908 John G. Lake birthed a dream of God onto the earth: The Apostolic Faith Congress in South Africa.
In 1947 the ministerial network was incorporated in Spokane, Washington, as the Ministerial Fellowship of the USA by Wilford H. Reidt, son-in-law of John G. Lake.
The board of directors later renamed the organization the International Fellowship of Ministries. They wanted to communicate Lake’s original global vision. They wanted to honor the ministers around the world who were connecting to the network to accomplish it.
In 2021, the board of directors gathered to reassess the identity and destiny of IFM, and after much discussion and collaboration, felt it was time to recalibrate the fellowship. The heart of the leadership team was to honor the past, while creating a new wineskin that would be able to carve out a new futurist Kingdom movement.
A new identity emerged, a dream with fresh breath that honors the seeds of the original vision and engages with His heart for the future.
That dream is Renaissance Coalition.
Together, we are entering into the dreams of God to birth Kingdom realities on the Earth.
We will succeed through relationship, gatherings, equipping, and empowerment.
We want to partner with you in John G. Lake’s original vision of a supernaturally empowered generation that would reveal a Living Christ. Lake believed that only such a People could take the gospel to the nations.
Come dream with us.
We are birthing Kingdom realities.
We are building a new future.
The dream is waiting for you.
Revival and Harvest
We are committed to igniting global revival and transforming nations with the Gospel.
Scripture: Matthew 9:37-38
Faith and Miracles
We are committed to living and demonstrating the supernatural power of Jesus.
Scripture: John 14:12
Empowerment and Leadership
We are committed to equipping people to fulfill their God-given destinies, and to training five-fold leaders in practical ministry, church planting, and missions for global impact.
Scriptures: Ephesians 4:11-12 and 2 Timothy 2:2
We are committed to building a global network of revivalists for mutual support and growth.
Hebrews 10:24-25
We are committed to inspiring giving to support revival, church planting, and missions worldwide.
2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Restoration and Health
We prioritize physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, for effective and sustained ministry
1 Timothy 4:16
Supremacy and Centrality of Christ
Jesus Christ is the Head and Foundation of the Church. We place Jesus at the center of everything we do; His presence is the foundation of our ministry.
Colossians 1:17-18
As Christian ministers, associated together for fellowship and service in Renaissance Coalition, we have formulated the following declaration of things most surely believed among us, praying there will be no harmful or divisive differences among us and that we may keep the unity of the faith in love, to the which all men may see the example set before them and therefore preach Christ to the world as the only means of salvation from sin and its effects and thus glorify God. That we may all be of the same mind, same judgment, speaking the same things, (1 Cor. 1:10) building up Jesus Christ, the Chief Corner Stone, and the things taught in the Holy Scriptures concerning Him; edifying His people and giving Christian witness to the world.
In the One True God, who reveals Himself in three distinct persons; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Three being one and equal and eternally self existent as the Great “I AM”. Matt 28:19; 1 John 5:7
That Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son, born of a virgin, who ministered the love and the will of the Father, was, and is, very God and Creator of all things. John 1:1-3, 3:16, 8:29; Isa 7:14
That He was crucified and died for all men, and then overcame death by resurrecting from the grave on the third day that man might have new life in Him. Acts 2:36; 1 Cor 15:3-4; 2 Cor 5:17; John 20:31
That He ascended to the Father and is seated at the right-hand of the Father making intercession for us all, and, has sent forth His Holy Spirit to indwell and empower believers. Mark 16:19; Acts 2:33-34; John 16:7
That this same Jesus is LORD of all. Acts 2:36; Rev 17:14
That He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. John 14:6
That you must be born-again, receiving Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior, in order to see the Kingdom of God. John 3:3; Rom 10:9-10
That believers should be baptized with water. Mark 16:15; Acts 2:38
That He will baptize believers with the Holy Ghost and fire. This is according to Acts Chapters One and Two, with the evidence of signs and wonders including speaking with other tongues. Acts 1:4-5, 2:4, 38; Luke 3:16
That all the gifts of the Spirit are operable in the Church of Jesus Christ today. 1 Cor 12:1-12
That the Bible is the inspired Word of God. 2 Tim 3:16
That the LORD Jesus Christ will soon return! 1 Thess 4:14-18; Acts 1:9-11
In unity of believers of all denominations in the fellowship of the “Church” in love and worship of Jesus Christ as LORD, in one accord. John 17:1-26; Eph 4:4
That God is no respecter of persons, for, in Christ “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Gal 3:28; Acts 10:34
That as believers we have been given a universal commission to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel.” Mark 16:15-20; Matt 28:18-20
As believers we must not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. Heb 10:25
That Church attendance, fellowship, and submission one to another, will play an important part in our service to this world. Acts 2:42; Heb 10:25, 13:7, 17
That God has set in the Church the five-fold ministry gifts of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ. Eph 4:10-16
We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between one man and one woman. We believe that sex is a gift of God and that any form of homosexuality, bisexuality, bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery or pornography is a sinful perversion of this gift. We believe that God disapproves of and forbids any attempt to alter one’s gender by surgery or appearance. (Gen 2:24; Gen 19:5, 13; Gen 26:8-9; Lev 18:1-30; Rom 1:26-29; 1 Cor 5:1, 6:9; 1 Thess 4:1-8; Heb 13:4) We believe that the only Scriptural marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. (Gen 2:24; Rom 7:2; 1 Cor 7:10; Eph 5:22-23)